Thursday, August 2, 2012

I Don't Need A Man

I fucking hate when a woman says "I don't need a man."

My follow-up response is always two questions:

1. Do you ever want to get married?
2a. If she doesn't have kids: Do you ever want to have children?
2b. If she has kids: Do you want someone to be a father to your child(ren)?

A "yes" response to either of these questions means that YOU NEED A MAN (Lesbians can make it with a no on the first one, but still need a man for number two.)

Smart-ass females like to say something about how they can be artificially inseminated. Unless evolution has stepped its game up without my knowledge and females have started asexually reproducing, then YOU STILL NEED A MAN to be inSEMENated (and yea, I know how it's spelled). Right?

Then there are the females that emphatically answer no to both questions. To the ones that say they can marry themselves, I affectionately say "Bitch, bye." By all means, have fun with your miserable ass life. I couldn't imagine being an unmarried 60 year-old woman with no kids, sitting at home, living vicariously through Lynn while watching old episodes of Girlfriends.

There isn't enough botox in the world to lift up a spirit that lonely.


It's one thing to "not need a man" to take care of materialistic things for you. To say you don't need one altogether, however, is a lie.

And let's be honest, just because you don't "need" one does NOT mean you don't WANT one.
Keep it 100.

1 comment:

  1. Very interesting points and I agree completely with your opinion...well put
