Disney fucked me up.
Well...not just Disney, but fairytales in general. They fucked up my generation.Besides them teaching girls to look past the physical and accept a man for who he is - despite whatever he did to deserve his consequence (ex. Beauty & the Beast), and teaching boys that they will always get or deserve the pretty princess in the end, there is this matter of the "Happily Ever After..."
It's not that I believe a Happily Ever After is not achievable. What I do believe is that we have completely romanticized the idea of what it really consists of...
We have this notion that "Happily Ever After" is supposed to be our favorite meal and our favorite outfit with the love of our life and our perfect kids all living our perfect lives with Kanye's "Good Life" as the soundtrack day in and day out.
Nah, fam.
It's more like leftovers paired with these-are-the-only-clothes-I-have-that-have-been-washed plus I-guess-I'll-tolerate-this-asshole-for-a-little-while-longer with an infinite playlist of church songs or positive music playing in the background that kicks off with Hezekiah's "I Need You to Survive" or Kendrick's "It's Gone Be Alright."
THAT is what "Happily Ever After" really is. It's being on the spectrum of alright. It does not mean that every day is perfect or happy. It means that we are in a place where we can appreciate the good things that DO occur, even if they seem to happen less often than they did at the apex of alright.
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